Street Surface Treatment


General Information
Tentative Start Date: TBD
Tentative Completion Date: TBD
Contractor: Corrective Asphalt Materials
Awarded Contract Amount: TBD
Funding Source: Village Capital Fund

Contact Information
Public Works & Engineering Department
Phone: 847-368-5800

Newsletters & Notices
Types of notices provided are:
  • Mailed: Construction notices will be mailed to residents affect by the project.
  • Hand Delivered Notices: The contractor will hand out additional notices which will contain a specific range of dates on when each street will be completed
  • Website: Weekly Project Updates

Project Description
As part of the Village’s preventative maintenance program, several streets are treated by spraying Reclamite Maltene Based Rejuvenating Agent on the pavement. This treatment is designed to provide sealing to decrease permeability in the pavement and extend the life of the pavement. The streets that were rehabilitated in 2022 will receive the first application, and the streets that were treated with Reclamite in 2018 will receive a second application this year. A second application will further improve the effectiveness of the rejuvenating agent. The entire process will take a few hours and is dependent on the weather. The street will be swept prior to the treatment, the liquid Reclamite will be sprayed on the pavement one lane at a time, and limestone screenings will be applied immediately after the street is sprayed. Once the first lane has cured, which is typically within an hour, the contractor will then apply the Reclamite to the other lane. The limestone screenings will be swept from the street a couple days after the treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions