
Delivery of high quality services is something we take seriously in Arlington Heights. Our goal is to maintain a quality of life that our residents and businesses deserve. Arlington Heights' residents are a part of Arlington Heights' vibrancy and community spirit. They have great confidence in its future and its ongoing betterment.

The Village provides an extensive list of services and programs for our community, including  public safety, health services, water quality, infrastructure and street maintenance. Thanks to the leadership of the Village Board, Arlington Heights is a community that continues to grow and thrive. Their progressive attitude has led Arlington Heights to economic and financial stability, while maintaining a high level of services.

In this section you will find information about online payments, permits and licenses, police and fire services, public works services, road and sidewalk programs, the Arlington Heights senior center, storm water and flood management and much more. Always feel free to contact any departments with your questions or concerns about Village services. We are here to serve you!

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